“I played recreational soccer from age 35 to 60, but then had to quit – bum knees didn’t allow running. Enter Walk Soccer at age 70, and I’m back in the game! It is so much fun and a great workout.”  ⚽

“I used to pump iron and was a runner until my 60’s.  I stopped working out and gained a lot of weight.  Walk Soccer has motivated me to become fit again.”  ⚽

“Walk Soccer is a great workout. It gets my heart rate up, I get lots of steps and it increases my endorphin levels. My mid-20’s daughter plays sometimes and loves it too! It’s not strolling or moseying, it’s speed walking soccer!”  ⚽

“It is a thrill to play Walk Soccer with my adult daughter.  Walk Soccer players have been so supportive and encouraging.  I love the camaraderie.” ⚽

“As a retired rehabilitation professional, I see many former players, now with physical limitations, return to play Walk Soccer.  Walk Soccer is a lifelong activity, with physical, emotional, and social benefits.”  ⚽

“If you love the game – find a way to play it for the rest of your life.” ⚽